Tuesday, September 19, 2006


Why is it that I feel so guilty whenever I go through and read others blogs who have updated, and then realize that I haven't yet? I feel like I'm cheating all of the people who are merrily going about their day and decide to drop by the blog and read my latest musings ( or as I call it, nonsensical blather). and find YESTERDAY'S WORDS ( which on second thought would make a great title for a book, now just for the story that goes along with it). But I don't want to cheat them by putting up a stupid post like my old livejournal ones were about. I have come to the realization that no one really cares that ate melon for lunch, and then slept on the couch.

These blogs just put to much pressure on us. I find myself thinking during the day " Oh goodness, I haven't updated in 2 days, what should I write tonight?!" So I try to think of things, and only thing on one or 2 lines, and realize that is not enough!!!

So here is my post for tonight, a kind of cheat, since I'm just bitching about not being able to think of anything to write.

Well.... I suppose...

p.s. Ooo.... I found a great beer that I like, an Oatmel Stout lager, that is made by a company with Gray in the title in Janesville. Yummy. Also the one I'm trying right now, " Eastside Dark" is bottled in Milwaukee. Which makes me feel very German. Like I'm being true to my roots.


Anonymous said...

i've said it before and i'll say it again - i think i've developed an ulcer because of my blog. it's too much pressure to be witty on demand!

Jenny said...

we should go on the Lakefront brewery tour one of these days - I love the eastside dark.

Johnny said...

Katie- yes, it's terrible!

Jen- We totally should! That would be awesome. I enjoyed the eastside dark I had last night. I think I like the darker beers, they're not so bitter.

Jenny said...

You know John, one to two line blog posts are completely acceptable. For instance (true story), "Why-is-my-vacuum-cleaner-SMOKING???!!!???" I would then include a picture of my smoking vacuum (provided my camera has batteries). Now your turn.

Johnny said...

OMG, too funny!!! I had to laugh for about 5 mintues!