Sunday, September 03, 2006

Random Bits

I watched this awesome indi movie today. It was called "American Movie" and it's this documentary on Mark Borchadt, a film maker from Wisconsin. It's great because Mark is pretty much your stereotypical white trash man, all the way down to drinking too much beer, wearing thick 80's plastic glasses, long mullet hair, and wearing a stocking cap ALL the time. It's not really something you can sit and watch, but maybe should be doing something while watching it ( cleaning, organizing, etc.) Very amusing. ( P.S. Mark, if you ever read this, I still think you're a pretty cool guy)

Something that I randomely thought of today was a book I read once called " Japan Sinks" I picked it up in a Berkely used bookstore about 5 years ago. It was originally in Japanese. It's about how it's found out that because of all the Earthqaukes in Japan, it is going to actually sink into the Ocean. So there is all the hoopla with having to evacuate an entire country, and where will everyone go, and what will happen. It really makes you think, because how do you move an entire country of people? Do they have to be absorbed into another culture? Or are they going to keep their own? They can't all move into one land, so are there going to be satelite Japans all over the world? Really makes you think. Especially because my cousin lives there.

Well, I actually got much accomplished today. Did about 7 loads of laundry, so now it's ALL done. Yea! Organized some of my research ( which I'm pretty much just going to re-organize again), and cleanded my little living area.

Well... I suppose....

P.S. My Heart is full! Thanks to all who put links to my blog on their blogs!


courtney said...

well john, you fill our hearts every day with your silly stories and excessive hand gestures. thanks to you we are never bored. you must come back to us soon lest we sit here in eternal boredom.

Johnny said...

Yea, try as I might, I can't get rid of the excessive hand gestures!

Jenny said...

yeah ..... come back to us. I mean, we don't have any kids for you to nanny right now, but you could engage in some light housekeeping in exchange for room and board.

Khaptka says she misses you too. Actually, she says, "meooooooow." But I'm pretty good at kitty translation.

Johnny said...

I wouldn't mind some heavy housekeeping. I actually like cleaning others homes, just not mine so much. Hopefully one day I will get to come and stay in Milwaukee

Johnny said...

I know Mike lives in Milwaukee, on Water St. On the website for the movie it has his phone number, and you can call him if you want. Kinda odd, but...