Friday, November 24, 2006

Well my dears, as I haven't posted in the past few days, I will do a quick run-down.

-Went out with my sister Jen which always proves to be a wonderful time. Went to Starbucks twice. At the 2nd one that guy was all " Do you have beans for tomorrow?". I was a little confused, and after a little bit said " Umm.. no..?" ( I wanted to say, " No, where, where can I get these beans you speak of?), he then directed us to a coffee display, and we politely told him we didn't want any.

- Also, went out drinkin' with C-Bone, and Randy where we had a delightful drink known as Swamp Water ( Everclear and Lime Vodka) which is served in Mason Jars. Quite Good. Also went to Pine Cone at 1:30 a.m. with Abby, Breanne, Keegan, and his g-friend, Jordan. Hot Waiter! Returned home about 3:30 a.m., and went to bed at 3:45 a.m.

- Alas, I have lost my Adam ring. It really tore my heart, and I still am grieving a little. My finger does lighter.


- Got up at 7:15 a.m. and headed off to work a little later.

-Made and ate my first Thanksgiving dinner of the year. We also watched Mean Girls and went for ride. I made a terrible turkey salad for supper that night. Oh well, the men ate it.

-Finally got to go home at 10p.m.


- Made and ate my 2nd Thanksgiving of the year.

-Put up Christmas lights

-Went shopping with my sister, picked up her friend, went more shopping, and finally finished off with a light supper at Applebee's

-Saw Hot Waiter from Pine Cone at Shopko ( sans Vel-Cro shoes Thank Goodness!)

I do hope you all had a very wonderful and fulfilling Thanksgiving! Take care my dear ones!

Well...I Suppose.....


courtney said...

somebody really wants you to be a secret shopper. they must not realize how loud and conspicuous you are when you do, well, anything. wednesday was fun!! gearin' up for tonight (well, if randy ever calls me back i will).

Johnny said...

I can't believe you called me loud and conspicous! :-)