Sunday, January 27, 2008

Ok, so I was thinking maybe this story is a bit to odd and tmi to share, but it's damn funny.

So I slept overnight at work the last two nights. Normally I throw the clothes I wore to bed the night before in with the pajamas in the morning because I figure A. I do enough at work washing a few items of my clothing is going to kill the company, and B. I don't use more soap, or change the load size to a bigger one, so I'm not using more water or soap. But I digress. So today the laundry was done drying right when we were ready to go to the store, I pulled it out of the dryer, and grabbed all my clothes out (or so I thought), as I knew the other staff would probably fold it, or see me fold it. Well, the other staff was there when we got back from the store, and I had to make lunch, so she folded the laundry. Well, as I am making sandwiches and soup I hear her ask "Whose underwear is this?" So of course immediately in my mind I think " Oh hell, I didn't get my underwear out", so I turn around and calmly say "What?" Yes, there she is, holding my big blue undies in the air (yes, I wear colored undergarments, deal with it), and asks again "Whose are these?" so I decide it is a bit to weird to say "Oh, they're mine" so instead I say "Oh, I dunno, throw 'em in Lee's drawer." Inside though I am laughing hysterically thinking "OMG, Dorothy is folding my underwear!" Thought you'd all find it amusing.

Well.. I suppose...

Mike- Your comment was AWESOME! See this is why you should go back to blogging! I totally laughed for a couple of minutes. I too almost passed out once, and then got nervous and didn't give blood for a year. But I give again now. Yes, I do watch when they stick the needle in. It is cool, even those sometimes they tell you to look away. Did you get a little cup of Coca-Cola to drink to bring your blood pressure up again, when you passed out?

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