Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ok, so here is my first post in my new blog. I held off on getting a blog as I never really felt like I had anything to say. It hasn't changed, but now I feel the need to share it with the world.

As I was signing up/creating ( or whatever) this blog I was going back and reading some old entries I made in my online journal that I had in high school. I love that they are still there, floating in cyber space for all eternity, or until the provider decides to take it down. It's a little sad to have them floating there, lonely, as I haven't visited them in a while. I do enjoy going back and reading them. I sound like a complete idiot in most of them, and the whole thing is littered with spelling errors, bad grammer, little or no puncuation, and a lot of the phrase " he he he." Apparently I was obscessed with letting other people know I felt that something was amusing. It's interesting how I have grown so much from that slightly awkward boy in high school, into the slightly awkward guy I am now. I was constantly talking about what guy I liked, and creating these elaborate relationships in my head that never really occured. For example I though that my English teacher knew I was gay, and was somewhat interested in me. I always agonized about whether or not I should say something to him about it, or admit my attraction and " love" for him. ( I also feel in "love" so often back then. Now I look back and realize those feelings were basically infatution and physical attraction, rather than real love). If anyone ever starts reading this blog I may post the link to my livejournal ( that's what it was called, I just remembered) and you can read to you heart's content. For a while I was very earnest with my writing everyday, which led to some very boring posts such as " I got up and went to school today. It was boring. I finished my homework on time for once. Went to work and worked with Fannie that was fun. he he he. Now I am at home and will go to bed." But apparently I had a burning disire to share this all with the world.

Well Anyway, I suppose.........


Jenny said...

Love you!!! Welcome to the Blogosphere!

Johnny said...

Thanks! Love you too! I figured what the Hell, I should try the whole blog thing, as it will give me something to do to avoid doing other things ( working, homework, cleaning, things like that)

Kyle said...

cheers for akwardity. lets link our blogs.

Jenny said...

when are you going to blog about camping? And link me?