Friday, November 10, 2006

Well dearies, our first big snow has come... and in such an odd manner. First rain all day, then hail which made sleet all over the roads, and then it actually snowed. It was actually nice, as I quite enjoy the snow. My favorite part about the snow is when it is late at night, it is either snowing, or is just done, and the whole world is that beautiful white from the snow, and that odd color which is light, even in the dead of the night, and the world is quiet, and I am all alone. I like that, very much. So, yea for snow!

And for no purpose what so ever besides utter randomness, Nuns cooking in the kitchen with mom and their cousin.


Jenny said...

that is an awesome photo.

I love when you call us dearies. It makes me feel like we're in the land of Oz.

Johnny said...

Thank you. I LOVE that photo. Then nuns are my gramma's cousins, well, so is the other woman, and the old lady at the pot is my gramma's aunt.

courtney said...

is it just me, or does it seem so surreal when nuns do everyday activities such as reading the newspaper or cooking dinner?

courtney said...

perhaps my judgement has been clouded by "sister act"