Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Thought you'd all find this amusing.

Friday I was at work, just putting the finishing touches on the tree when the night lady Carol came in and was looking at an ornament. The converstation that followed can be found below.

Carol: What is this?
Me- It's a dove.
Carol-It looks like seal.
Me- It's a dove
Carol- I think it's a seal.
Me- It's a dove.
Carol- Actually it looks like a ghost.
Me- It's a dove
Carol- I think it's a ghost.
Me- It's a dove.
Carol- A ghost for Christmas huh?
Me-It's a dove.
Carol- I think it's a seal
Me- It's a dove
Carol- That's weird, a seal for Christmas
Me- It's a dove
Carol- Yea, it's a seal
Carol-Oh, I see, it's a dove.

I left early that night.

Well... I suppose....

1 comment:

courtney said...

That conversation was amazing. Almost as compelling as the conversation I had last week that I told you about earlier:
DHL delivery guy at my work: Mmmm, girl, you smell good. What you wearin'?

Me: I don't know, whatever I just found in the closet. Lysol maybe?

Hehehe, I'm priceless