Wednesday, January 02, 2008

I don't want her, you can have her, she's too fat for me......
So, yes I have to admit, that while I didn't actually make a resolution to lose weight
(Well, actually I didn't make any resolutions this year)
I did buy a recumbent bike,
I put it together myself,
aren't you proud of me?
Something I did find amusing though,
on the cover of the booklet that comes with the bike,
explaining how to put it together,
and how it use it,
It states " Weight on this product should not exceed 250 lbs."
Umm...Hello... Who do you think is buying this?
Those skinny bitches wearing those skintight outfits,
that bike all the time?
They are that skinny for a reason.
They get their asses out of the house and ride in the real world.
I bought this at Wal-Mart.
Now we all now what kind of people shop at Wal-Mart.
Poor fat people,
like me.
Who more than likely,
250 lbs.
That's why
we bought
the damn bike,
the first
Well... I suppose....
P.S. I did purposely but this post in the center aligned format business. I think it looks like a really terribly haiku. I like it.


Jenny said...

You know what else has a real low weight capacity that I've noticed? A two person raft with a capacity of 250 lbs. Are those two people really skinny or what?

Jenny said...

Did you try out the bike yet? I'm wondering if it's rocky. I'm thinking about getting an elliptical provided I don't go on vacation with Kyle and I don't owe the federal government tax money. We'll have some sort of weight loss competition or something.