Friday, February 15, 2008

-So, wouldn't it be great if life was like a porn? Whenever I stay over at work and the man comes to plow the driveway I have this fantasy. I wish that the man will see the lights on and come to the door, asking to use the bathroom, seeing as how I'm still up. He'll be a nice handsome looking man, and of course I'll let him. Then when he comes out of the bathroom, we'll talk a little bit, and one of us will of course broach the subject of sex. Of course, I'm totally game, and we'll make mad passionate love on the sofa. He'll slip me his card with his number and then walk out to finish his snow removal duties, and I'll just lie there in complete and utter happiness over having just been had by a handsome strapping man.

Well.. I suppose...

P.S. The Lizard man was on Tyra last night about Extreme Love. I have to admit, I've alwyas found him wildly attractive and was devasted when I heard he had married 4 years ago.

go to to see his picture. I think he's hot!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I can't wait for two weeks from now when Mikey P finally thinks up a (most likely mundane) sexual fantasy to share with us.