Friday, March 07, 2008

Oh Friends in High Places
-Do you ever watch a show or a movie or something with a famous person in it, and think "You know, I bet if we could just meet, and talk a bit, we'd be really good friends!" ? I've entertained this notion quite a bit with several people, Dolly Parton, Kathy Griffin, Chris March from Project Runway, just to name a few. If I could just meet these people, I know we'd be great friends and constantly be calling each other just to chat. Does this make me delusional or just a normal person? I often wonder if the things I say or do, or think for that matter are just something that I do, and normal people don't. (and sometimes I do think what I do is normal, and then discover it's not. Which is usually amusing, and then a little disheartening). I do try to write the "stars" if you will, but it's increasingly hard to find addresses, or I'm just not trying hard enough. Plus with those sorts of people receiving all sorts of mail and other communications throughout the day, I do understand that they are much to busy to respond to each individually. Plus, I've sorta stopped after making one of my biggest blunders, writing a letter to Lily Tomlin, and mailing it............................................................. to Lilly Taylor. Yep, I'm an idiot. I wonder if ol' Lilly got it and thought, "What the hell?" I never got a response. Maybe she was just pissed. Or maybe her assistant or whatever threw it way after muttering "Idiot."
But I do fancy myself not a complete weirdo, as I don't write letters claiming to be someones soul mate, or professing my undying love for them. Well, at least not anymore. We were all shy, naive adolescents once, remember? So I thought I found true love working at a burger joint when I was 14, give me a break.
Anyway, this blog entry was prompted by the fact that I was wondering around MySpace, and asking people to be my friend, such as Dale Levitski, Rami Kashou, and Sweet P. I know this made me sound like a dorky socially awkward pre-teen again "Will you be my friend?". I almost wanted to ask if they would "Cho-cho-choose me?". But, time will tell.
Well... I suppose....
P.S. Woo-Hoo, Rami added me as a friend. Now, to make him an actual friend!

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