Friday, August 18, 2006

The Fair and Nostalgia

Today my sisters and I went to the Fair. We've gone ever year, as long as I can remember. When we were little Dad used to take us, and then when we got to old for that, we just started going, just the three of us.

It's always fun from start to finish. Even today when we were parking the man who was directing us took too long so Jen just pulled up onside of him, and the other guy said " Just perfect" so we though Great, until the other man is all " Can you please park closer to that car?" ( mind you there is a nother 6 acres of parking, and it's noon so about 10 inches of space is not a big deal. So Jen says " Well, that man said it was just perfect", so we stayed and the other man ( the one who asked us to move) was a little sullen, but oh well. Tough shit!

So we rode the scrambler which was SO lame. Apparently they have slowed it down or someting, because it is not as fun as it used to be. The titl-a-whirl was very exciting as usual. Jen, Julie, and I can really get it spinning. The whole weight thing has a lot to do with it. Julie wanted Jen to go on the octupus, but a small child had just thrown up on it, so Jen said no. Baby.

We ate at Edith's which is a catering company based in Beaver Dam, and pretty much kicks ass! I recommend anyone who ever goes to the fair eats there. Good food....and women in hair nets. You can't go wrong there. I had a cream puff again and it just reminded me that every year I get one, and every year I eat it and sit there and think " Hmm... Yea.... This isn't this good, next year I won't get one." and next year rolls around and what do I do? BUY ANOTHER!!! Stupid me!

Oooo... a very fun point was first my sister noticed the terribly attractive man who made the funnel cakes. He was very hot. So I totally wanted to get one, just so I could talk to him, but alas, I only had 50 cents. Then we noticed the gyro man who was smokin' hot! So I wanted a gyro and a funnel cake! But... I had to just sit there with nothing. Jen went to oggle the gyro man while I went with Julie to get a snow cone ( I had already given her my last dollar) and then finally had to walk away when it was getting obvious as to what she was doing. So what did we do then? Yes, we tried to take pictures of them with the camera phone! Julie and I pretended to pose for the picture, while Jen tried to get the guy. I don't think either picture turned out that well.. Oh well.. Maybe next year.

Isnt' it funny how at the age of 22 you can be suprisinly nostalgic already? I miss my childhood so much. It wasn't prefect by any stretch of the imagination, but was just crazy enough to be very amusing now as I look back on it. I miss my tv shows... Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Rescue Rangers, Gummi Bears, Super Mario Brothers ( remember when that was a cartoon, and not just a video game?).... and so much more. One wouldn't think nostalgia would kick in already. But I'm weird so... I'm nostalgic for era's I never lived in. I say I miss things like '56 Chevys, when women wore dresses, and typewriters. That's one of the main reasons my little living area is crammed with all sorts of things from the 50's to the 70's. It was like a bonzana when we were cleaning out my grandparents house, and I sort of ended up with all things no one wanted. Plus, that is pretty much what thrift stores are packed with today. I can almost be choosy with what I want.

Anyway, I'm going out drinkin' tonight, so depending on how tired I am when I get home, and when I get home, there may or may not be a drunken blog on here. I don't think there will be one, as I tend to want to go to bed when I'm sufficently 3 sheets to the wind. I did used to get drunk on these forums I got to, but since I drank while posting, it was different.

Well..... I suppose.......


Jenny said...

everytime i go to the state fair i eat a cream puff and hate it too. We ought to boycott.

Unknown said...

i totally understand what you're saying. i recently bought a coloring book and a box of crayons to try and capture that 5-year-old feeling. i gotta say, it's a lot less fun when you have the hand-eye coordination to color in the lines.

your comments on my blog were fantastic. even if i'm not a nun yet, we can still be friends and i won't think you're creepy :o).

Johnny said...

Yes Jen, we ought to boycott cream puffs. Everyone always raves about them, and they're really not that good.

Katie, yes, coloring isn't as fun as it was before. Plus you have no one to show your great work to. Well you can, but they won't be half as excitied as you are.